REGISTERED PLAYERS - Can register 2 non fijian decentant and 2 can be on the field during the game.
1. Pranesh Sharma Drogba 21. Jerry Giri
2. Alfred Brown 22. Ajeshwar Raj
3. Ravikesh Lal 23. Riaz Ali (From Nasinu)
4. Shawn Raj (Nasinu)
5. Jaideep Singh**
6. Sant Kumar
7. Amar Prasad**
8. Rohit Pillay
9. Imran Mohammed
10. Vikash Kumar
11. Alvin Lal
12. Rahul Pillay
13. Edwin Prasad
15. Arvin Raj (Nasinu)
16. Ravin Raj (Nasinu)
17. Satendra Kumar
19. Alex Jansuk (non Fijian) All player registration window will close on 04-13-19. After this you can register
20. Luis Aquino** (non Fijian) a NEW FIJIAN player anytime for a fee. Excluding major tournaments. Also you
can do player movement during transfer window. A team can only intake 2 trsf.
** WA ID VERIFICATON NOT DONE YET** Transfer window is from Sat 6/29/19 12:01am till Fri 7/05/19 till 9:00pm.